Sunday 23 August 2015

paleolithic period notes on anthropology free lessons by pratanu banerjee

Lower Palaeolithic Europe:
                                         On the basis of very rich materials from the Somme valley in the
                                    North of France and the Thames valley in the South of England, two
                                    Main Lower Palaeolithic traditions have been recognized in Western
                                    Europe. These are as follows:-
                                                 I) Bifacial tool or hand axe tradition (Affevillian and
                                                      Achealian); and
                                                 II) Flake tool tradition (Clactonian and Levalloisian).
                                               In France and Spain, hand axes came earlier, but in Great
                                     Britain and central Europe, flakes and choppers continued for a longer
                                      Period. These choppers were replaced by hand axes. The tools were
                                      Made of stone only. The principal types were hand axes, cleavers,
                                               I)  A) Affevillian:
                                                           The type of tools of the Affevillian (formerly Chellean),
                                      This takes its name from the town of Affevillie, France, on the 45m
                                       (45ft) terrace of the Somme valley consist of pointed, bifacial
                                       Implements, hand axes. Their forms vary, and the flaking is generally
                                       Irregular, at is probable that they were manufactured either with a
                                       Stone hammer or on stone anvil Associated with there crude types of
                                       Hand axes, simple flake flak tools are found, but they lack the
                                       Definite form.
                                                  (Geological) time:
                                                               The Affevillian has been reported from the deposits
                                       Of Lower Pleistocene (First Interglacial) age.

I)   B) Acheulian:-
                              The type site is on the 30 metre terrace of Somme Valley at St. Acheual,
                          Near Amiens, in Northern France.
                                     Acheulean hand axe hand axes, which display a marked technological
                               Refinement over their Affevillian precursors, were apparently made by
                               Employing a wooden or bone fillet rather than the more primitive stone
                               On stone technique. But, except at the very end of the Acheulean cycle of
                               Development, is very little typological difference in the types of hand
                                Axes found in the various layers.
(Geological) Time:
                                It begins in the Second Interglacial and persists to the close of the third
                                Interglacial, covers by far the longest time span of any of the palaeolithic
                                Traditions found in western Europe.
II)   A) Clactonian
                                The type site is the Clacton – on – sea, England. There are other sites like
                             Essex, Swanscombe Kent in the Thames valley of Southeastern England.
                                            The type artifacts are flakes although core tools ---- single edged
                             Choppers and chopping tools ---- do in fact occur. The flakes which have
                             Large, high angle (greater than 90o), plan striking platform, as well as
                             Prominent bulbs of percussion, were detached from roughly prepared,
                              __ Cores by the stone hammer or stone anvil technique. most part of it is
                             Crude and edge chipping __ from use is far more characteristic, though
                             Actual retouching or secondary flaking is found in some instances.

Geological Time:
                              The development of clactonean occurred during Early Second Interglacial.
II)  B) Levalloisian:
                                Named after the locality at Levallois, a suburb in Paris.
                                           It is primarily a flake tradition, although hand axes are found in
                                 Certain of the middle and upper Levalloisian stages It is characterized by
                                 New and improved method of producing flakes, which previously had
                                 Been obtained in a more or less haphazard manner. This involves the
                                 Careful shaping of the core by the removal of centrally directed flakes,
                                 And the preparation of an extremity for the detachment of a symmetrical
                                 Oval flake. Since unstruct cores of this type exhibit a Plano – convex
                                 Section suggesting the from of a tortoise. They are known as Tortoise
                                 Cores. On the striking platform of typical levallois flakes, small vertical
                                 Flake scars, called facets, may be observed, and the scars of the
                                  Converging core preparation flakes are present on the upper surface. In
                                  The middle and upper Levalloisian, a variation of this same basic
                                  Technique was developed where by it was possible to produce either
                                  Triangular flakes (__ points) or rectangular flakes (or flake blades) by
                                   Modifying the method of core preparation.
Geological Time:
                                It first appears in the deposits of the Late second Interglacial in
                                Association with hand axes of middle Acheulian type and persist in to
                                Fourth Glacial (__) times.

Important Sites of Palaeolithic (lower):
                               1) St Acheul                                                   5) Swanscombe,
                               2) St Abbeville                                               6) Terra amate,
                               3) Clacton – on – Sea                                      7) Torralba,
                               4) Vert ezzollos,                                              8) Ehringsdort.
                                                                                                       9) Heidelberg,

Absolute Dates;
        Szabo and colloins (1975):
                    Swans comb 326 + 99 kg6p
                   Clacton – on – Sea 245 + 35 kg6p
                              Cook et al (1982)
                                   Ehringsdort             225 + 26 kg6p.                           

Typo technological Trend of Acheulian Hand axes:
                            The Acheulian. __ with the presence of crude hand axes. The Acheulian
                            May be classified in to five stages on the basis of typo technology. The
                            Earliest Abbevillian hand axes (which is now equivalent to Acheulian I)
                            Are large and irregular shaped having large and deep flake __. The
                            Developmental features of hand axes starting from Ach – I – V can be
                            Stated below:-
                            i) Reduction in size, hand axes become smaller and lighter.
                            ii) Increase of effective working area.
                           iii) The flake scars become shallow and small due to controlled flaking

                           iv) Number of secondary and tertiary flake scars more than the primary
                                ones. There is application of retouching technique along the margins.
                           v) The shape and function of the tool is effective by suitable flake scars.
                          vi) Step flaking is seen in Acheulian V making the – hand axes bilaterally
                         vii) The lateral margins become thin, sharp and continuous. The margins
                               acquire an ‘S’ or ‘Z’ shaped tourist in the highest form of development.
                        viii) The __ end becomes lighter; sometimes with finger holes for better grip.

Middle Palaeolithic Europe:-
                  Time: Third Interglacial and persist during the first major oscillation of the fourth
                  Glacial (__) stages.
                 A) France:          
                         Fonte chevade, Charente, La chapel – aux – Saints, Le Moustier, La Quina, 
                        La Ferassie, Combe capelle,
                  B) Yugoslavia:
                   C) Germany:
                     The middle palaeolithic comprises the Mousterian (named after the Type site
                     “Le moustier” in NW France), a portion of the Levalloisian and the Tayacian,
                     All of which are complexes based on production of flakes, although survivals of
                     The old hand ax tradition are manifest in many instances. This middle
                     Palaeolithic assemblages first appear in deposits of third Interglacial.  

                     Associated with the Tayacian in which the artifacts consist of very crude flakes,
                     Remains of modern man (Homo Sapiens) have been found. Mousterian man, on
                     The other hand, is of the Neanderthal race by the 1960s, no human remains have
                     Yet been found associated with the Levalloisian. It is in the Mousterian levels in
                      The caves and rock shelters of central and southern France that the earliest             
                      Evidence of the use of five and first definite burials have been discovered in
                      Western Europe.
                                             The Typology of the artifacts is complex, it consists of three
                      Distinct increments ; (i) the prepared striking platform – tortoise core
                      (Levalloisian) tradition,
                               ii) the plain striking – platform – discoidal – core technique of ultimate
                                   Clactonean tradition and.
                              iii) a persistence of the bifacial core tool or Acheulian tradition.
                                   The type of artifacts from the Mousterian consists of points and side
                      Scrapers, in addition to a few hand axes (especially heart or triangular shaped
                      Forms) and the second working is coarse.
                                             A crude bone in __ appears here for the first time.
                      Judging by what is known concerning modern hunting groups, small band or
                      Tribes of people already had developed simple social institutions, even at this
                      Early level of development.
                                                  Middle palaeolithic Europe has been worked upon extensively
                      By François Bordes in western Europe, he identified four cultural variants of
                      Middle palaeolithic. The main cultural component were levallois flakes. The
                      Main technique of tool making is levallois and the use of Mousterian technique

                      Which in combined form has been ascribed as Levallois __ technique as the
                       Tools made during this time used both the Mousterian and levallois technique,
                                 The middle palaeolithic culture flourished between the time frame of
                        118000 years B.P. up to 35000 B.P.
Human remains:
                            The classic Neanderthal of western Europe developed this culture.
                                       The cultural variants as found by François __ are as follows:-
(1) Typical Mousterian:-
                                        It is characterized by large number of side scrapers made of
                               Levallois flakes. Other kinds of scrapers, points and knives are also found.
                               Backed knives are few and hand axes are rare.
(2) Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition:-
                                           This complex is made up of numerous small cordate hand axes,
                               Side scrapers and backed knives and a variety of rotched tools. This has
                               Been further divided in to two subgroups ; namely
                a) Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition A ; and
                b) Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition B ;
                a) Type A is earlier and flourished during __ - I glaciations. It contains more hand
                     axes and scrapers.
                b) Type B flourished during __ I/II Interstitial. There are degrees of frequency of
                     hand axes and backed knives. Few backed blades on flake are also found.

3) Denticulate Mousterian:-
                                              This culture complex is predominated by denticulate tools and is
                     Marked by absence of hand axes. Side scrapers, points & knives are few.
4) Charentian Mousterian:-
                                             Named after the site of Charente in France, here side scrapers are
                     Present in large numbers with a few points. Denticulate and bifaces are absent.
                                           The major element of middle palaeolithic culture are scrapers,
                     Points and knives. Hand axes persisted in some places. In south western Europe
                     At la micoque. The isolated specialized type of hand axes known as micoquian 
                     Hand axes flourished.
                                              As the culture flourished during the cold phase, most of the sites
                     Are cave or rock shelters. The presence of the living floors and hearths points to
                     Group living of the people. New cultural addition during the middle palaeolithic
                     Europe is the presence of burial practices. Sites like la Quina, la Ferassie,
                     Charente, etc. bear evidences. The bodies are anointed with red achre (__) 
                      Placed in boctal position. Grave offering in the form of store tools, hells,
                       Perforated teeth etc, are seen. An important grave good was the cowries shell
                                                   All these practices possibly indicate the belief in afterlife and
                       Supernaturalism. The bodies were anointed with red which is the color of
                       Blood and which signifies life. The __ position is indicative of birth after life.
                       The __ shells are shaped like female sex organs. Hence it is possible that belief
                        In after life and rebirth was present in the minds of the people as early as
                        Middle palaeolithic times.

The Upper Palaeolithic:
       Geological Time:
                                   Warm I- II interstadial, and it persists to the very end of late glacial
                             Times. The upper palaeolithic, which occupies only approximately one
                             Tenth of the time span of the period as a whole.
                                          Early man made its greatest cultural progress at this time (i) the
                             Hand axes and flake tools of the earlier assemblages were replaced by
                             Diversified and specialized tools made on blades struck from specially
                             Prepared cores.
                    ii) many important inventions appeared, such as needles and thread, skin clothing
                        hafted stone and bone tools, harpoons, the spear thrower and special fishing
                    iii) Bone, ivory, and antler in addition to flint were extensively used.
                     iv) the earliest man made dwellings are found, consisting of subterranean pit –
                     v) of prime importance and interest is the beginning of basic techniques of
                          drawing, modeling, sculpture, and painting, as well as the earliest
                          manifestations of dancing, music, the use of masks, ceremonies and the
                          organization of society in to patterns fairly complex.
                    vi) indeed, the location of certain settlements suggests a more complex social life
                          including perhaps collective hunting.
                     vii) there is evidence for fertility magic, private property and possible social

                        viii) Furthermore, primitive types of early man disappeared, and the remains
                                of men of modern times (Homo Sapiens) alone are in upper palaeolithic
                                    The climate of the upper palaeolithic varied from cold Steppe, or even
                              Arctic tundra, to north temperate (taiga), similar to parts of Siberia and
                              Canada of the present day.
                 Mousteroid Variants:-
                 Upper Palaeolithic.
                 Early Upper Palaeolithic:-
                                                   i) between 35000 to 20, 000 years B.P.
                                                  ii) between 20, 000 to 10, 000 years B.P.
                                     the transition from middle to upper palaeolithic took place very
                                     rapidly apparently simultaneously across the continent just after?
                                     Glaciations, According to C14 dates probably just about 35000
                                     Years B.P.
                 Early Upper Palaeolithic:
                    C14 dates:
                         Two stratified levels of Aurignacian have been found by Gabori Csank, 1970:
                                                 Lower level: 3105 KY B.P.
                                                 Higher level: 30.6 KY B.P.

                                 The type site of the Aurignacian is near the village of Aurignac (Haute –
                          Garonne) in southern France.
                                   This culture was mainly excavated by lerois – Gourhan. Aurignacian is
                          Best represented from Grotto – du – renne.  
                                    The tool types include various kinds of step - ended scrapers, nose
                          Scrapers, blades with heavy marginal retouch, strangulated blades, basked
                          Gravers (or burins) and split – base bone points. Bone was extensively used
                          For javelin points, chisels, perforators and batons – de – commandment or
                          Arrow straghtners.
                                                  Articles of personal adornment probably worn as necklaces
                       Such as __ teeth and shells, as well as decorated bits of bone and ivory, appear
                     For the first time in the Aurignacian.
                                                  The oldest manifestations of art were produced during the
                  Aurignacian, and the development continued during upper perigordian times. In
                  General, upper palaeolithic art falls in to: i) moral art and ii) portable art.
                  i) Moral art
                                           includes finger __, paintings, engravings, bas – reliefs, and
                              sculptures on the walls of caves and rock shelters;
                  ii) Portable art
                                               is characterized by small engravings and sculptures on stone
                                and bone found in the occupation layers.

                                 the whole development almost certainly took owes its inspiration to the
                         __ religious ideas, especially the customs of hunting magic as practiced to day
                         By living primitive peoples.

                        The sdutrean which is named after the site of solutre’, near Macon (Saone – et
               Loire), is noted for the beautifully made, symmetrical, bifacial flaked, laurel __ and
               Shouldered points, the finest examples of __ workmanship of the palaeolithic in
               Western Europe. In addition, the usual types of gravers, end scrapers, points, 
               Perforators, etc., are present. Example of solitarian art are comparatively rare; they
               Consist of sculpture in low – relief, and incised stone slabs. The fauna indicates that
               This culture flourished in a relatively cold climate.
                                 The rock shelter of La Madeleine, near les Eyzies (Dordogne) is the type
                        Magdalenian locality. This final culture of the upper palaeolithic is noted for
                        The dominance of bone and antler tools over those of blint and stone and for
                        The very remarkable works of art that were produced at this time. The wide
                        Variety of bone tools include javelin points, barted bone points (or harpoons)
                        Eyed needles, batons – de – commandment (often __ decorated), perforators,
                        Spear throwers, chisel, etc.. the blint and stone tools include a variety of
                        Special forms, include a variety of special forms among which small
                        Geometric forms, denticulate blades, scrapers with steeply retouched edges,
                        And the parrot – beaked graver are specially distinctive. The six phases of
                        Magdalenian have been established stratigraphically and are characterized by
                        The contained bone and antler implements. But the heights attained by the
                        People responsible for this culture can best be evaluated on the basis of art
                        Objects which the Magdalenian sites have yielded. They consist of mural art
                         And portable art. Animals of this period are often portrayed in polychrome
                         Paintings, engravings and sculptures. The fauna from the various
                         Magdalenian horizons demonstrates that cold conditions prevailed in
                         Western Europe at the end of palaeolithic times.

                      In France, during upper palaeolithic, there is another culture in Europe known
                      As “Perigordian Culture” the exact sequence of cultural tradition from middle
                      Palaeolithic in western Europe is not typical of what happened elsewhere.
                      However, __ and Perigordian cultures are completely independent at leads in
                      France. Perigordian is the earliest upper Palaeolithic culture and is divided in to
                       5 stages. The major type is Perigordian point.
Chattel - Perronian
                                    Was typical form is a knife with a blunted back on the curved side.
                               The Gravetlian is the last culture and existed between 26000 and 21000
                                Years B.P. the Gravetlian culture consists of varieties of blade and points
                                The chief types of blades, graver, Font – Robert point, Gravette an point,
                                Etc… Gravitation culture as widely distributed in the whole of Europe
                                Originating from France.

                                Of the upper Palaeolithic cultures, three of them i.e. Perigordian, chattel –
                                Perronian and Gravitation are early upper Palaeolithic regional variants.
                                But the Aurignacian is comparatively more widespread and homogeneous
                                In France, it appeared after perigordian and are represented by large
                                Number of blades and gravers. For this reason earlier scholars had named
                                Aurignacian as a Blade – Burin culture. But later discoveries have
                                Yielded a number of variations in the tool types of Aurignacian culture,
                                Although the basic blank remained the blade.                                             
                                             ‘Archaeological record is a text which needs to be properly
                                                         ---------- Ian Hodder.

Lower Palaeolithic Europe:
                                              On the basis of very rich materials from the Somme valley in the
                                  North of France and the Thames valley in the South of England, two
                                  Main Lower Palaeolithic traditions have been recognized in Western
                                   Europe. These are as follows:-
                                                   (I) Bifacial tool or hand – axe tradition (affevillian and
                                       Acheulian); and (II) Flake tool tradition (Clactonean and

                                 In France and Spain, hand axes came earlier, but in Great Britain and
                                 Central Europe, flakes and choppers continued for a longer period. These
                                 Choppers were replaced by hand axes. The tools were made of stone
                                 Only. The principal types were hand axes, cleavers, choppers.
                   (I) A) Abbevillian:
                                                  The type of tools of the Abbevillian (formerly chellean),
                                         Which takes its name from the town Abbeville, France, on the
                                          45m (15ft) terrace of the Somme valley consist of pointed,
                                          Bifacial implements, hand – axes. Their forms vary, and the flaking
                                          Is generally irregular, it is probable that they were manufactured,
                                          Either with a stone hammer or on stone anvil associated with there
                                         Crude types of hand axes, simple flake tools are found, but they
                                        Lack the definite form.
          (Geological) time:
                                          The Abbevillian has been reported from the deposits of Lower
                                    Pleistocene (First Interglacial) age.
       I) (B) Acheulian:
                                          The type site is on the 30 meter terrace of the Somme valley at St.
                                    Acheul, near Amiens, in Northern France.
                       Acheulean hand axes, which display a marked technological refinement over
                        Their Abbevillian precursory, were Apparently made by employing a wooden
                       Or bone fillet rather than the more.      



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    Kanya Sumangala Yojana
